I dream of the day Cancer becomes a distant memory just as Small Pox. A day when a vaccine cures all and sends the word Cancer to the archives of life.
Cancer is rampant today, seemingly out of control, and spreading throughout families and friends. In my own family, I've seen the devastation of this disease. It claimed the life of my grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin, and my mom. Others have fought it and won - an aunt, sisters & myself. I have a sister fighting a ten-year battle of breast cancer - she marches on, fighting it day-by-day.
If you've ever experienced cancer, you know the "what-if" surrounding you each day. You're happy with a good report from your doctor, but you do wonder at times when it might strike again. After being diagnosed, going through surgery & treatments, I went through a phase of "oh no - I have a pain - is it cancer?" I didn't voice my concerns, but inwardly it was present every day.
In 1806, as stated by Jefferson - he visualized the day future generations would know only by history the disease ever existed. In 1977, the last case of Small Pox was reported.
I pray for a cure, a vaccine, a pill - anything to stop the spread of the disease, and stop it from ever being heard of again. I envision the day, when "Cancer" is only heard of in history & there is vaccine to prevent it from ever appearing again.
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